Rock solid, no matter the use-case.
Rocky Linux rebuilds sources directly from RHEL®, so you can bet your best dollar that you'll have a super stable experience, no matter the use-case.
- Production Ready
Rocky Linux is enterprise-ready, providing solid stability with regular updates and a 10-year support lifecycle, all at no cost.
- Community Supported
The community, sponsors, and partners have invested with long-term commitments to ensure the project stays with the community.
- Easy Migration
Migrate from other Enterprise Linux distributions without sweating it. We provide an easy-to-use migration script, free of charge.
Latest News
We regularly share updates with the community about what's happening. Here's the latest.
Happy Birthday Rocky Linux
December 8, 2023
Reflections on Three Years of Growth Today we celebrate how far Rocky Linux has come since the ecosystem change that started it all. The early days were full of emotion and fire as a group of passiona...
12 Days of Rockmas
November 27, 2023
Hey, it’s almost Rocky Linux's third birthday! We will celebrate by counting down the next 12 days with games, giveaways, and gatherings to appreciate our community. And YOU are invited to join us. Ab...
Rocky Linux 8.9 Available Now
November 22, 2023
We are pleased to announce the general availability of Rocky Linux 8.9. This release is currently available for the x86-64 and aarch64 architectures. Please review the release notes in the Rocky Linux...
Rocky Linux 9.3 Available Now
November 20, 2023
We are pleased to announce the general availability of Rocky Linux 9.3. This release is currently available for the x86-64, aarch64, ppc64le, and s390x architectures. Please review the release notes i...
Special Interest Group Announcement - Security
October 4, 2023
Special Interest Group Announcement - Security The Rocky Linux Project announces the general availability of the Security Special Interest Group (SIG) packages and wiki, which provide extra security-r...
Statement Regarding OpenELA
August 31, 2023
By now, you’ve likely heard about a new open source project, known as OpenELA. We’ve received a few questions about how it is related to Rocky Linux. On August 10th, OpenELA was announced as an initia...